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Testimonies of Healing

I am inexpressibly grateful to Christian Science and...

From the December 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am inexpressibly grateful to Christian Science and to its Discoverer, both for what it is and for what it has done for me. Five years ago I left college with a severe case of nervous illness and was in a hospital for several weeks. After this there followed three years of invalidism and deepest melancholy. Every kind of material remedy was sought in vain, including rest cures, osteopathy, and travel. While passing through San Francisco I met a stranger to whom I poured out my various woes. She listened kindly and then said she had passed through a similar experience; that after fifteen years of suffering she had found one and only one thing which had helped her, and that was Christian Science. I thought she was going to tell me of something I might try, but when she mentioned Christian Science I was disappointed, although I knew nothing about it. She handed me the card of a practitioner, which I took merely out of courtesy, but with no intention of using it; yet when I went out on the street I found myself walking rapidly in the direction of the address which the card contained. Finding the house I rang the bell, and a face radiant with happiness and peace appeared at the door. I stated that I had not come for treatment but simply wanted to make some inquiries about Christian Science. The practitioner answered my many questions and gave me a copy of The Christian Science Journal. This I carried back with me, and as I read it I felt such a sense of joy, peace, and intense interest take possession of me that I literally devoured every word of it and returned the next day to the practitioner for treatment. I came away feeling as I had not felt for many years and as if a heavy burden had fallen from me.

Soon afterwards I left San Francisco, and the environment into which I went was unfavorable to growth in Christian Science. I neither read nor heard anything more of it for the next two months, and I returned to the previous physical condition. I was again taken to an osteopath, who diagnosed the case as a Spinal trouble, saying it would be a year or so before he could promise a condition of normal health. As time went on I continued to grow worse, until I could neither walk nor sit up without severe pain. At last I returned once again to Christian Science, and after the first treatment all pain ceased and I could climb five flights of stairs without the slightest difficulty, which seemed a miracle to all.

Since then Christian Science has met my every need. It has given me a new purpose and interest in life, constantly blessing me with the consciousness of health spiritual and eternal, Life immortal, and Love everlasting. Is it surprising that I earnestly and humbly thank God for having revealed to our beloved Leader the Science through which we can avail ourselves of omnipresent good — the present help in time of trouble?

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