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From the December 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

St. Paul tells us "that all things work together for good to them that love God." If God is as wise and powerful and loving and good as the highest spiritual intuitions, perceptions, and experiences of the best men and women reveal Him to be, it must follow that He wills the highest good of every one, and works everything together for the realization of this good; and if He is always working everything together for the highest good of each and every one, and consciously so for all who love Him and love each other, it also follows that everything presents opportunity. Life, with all of its necessary experiences, is an ever-unfolding and increasing opportunity, even an infinite series of opportunities, for the realization of good and for the overcoming of evil. Browning: says, —

I count life just a stuff
To try the soul's strength on, educe the man.

Our environment, our world, our universe, is our opportunity. The work that we can best do and that we most need to do is our special opportunity. There is no situation, no problem, and no duty which is not an opportunity for a right action or for a wise and beneficent reaction. In fact, the opportunity for being truer, braver, kinder, wiser, better, and more loving is omnipresent. Best of all, this opportunity is always present to every one, entirely independent of past failures, mistakes, and errors. The door of opportunity is always open to the prodigal son, as well as to the elder brother.

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