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From the December 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

[The interesting article which follows gives the experience of Eldress Anna White and her healing in Christian Science. While it is written from the view-point of herself and her friend, it shows how a sincere desire for the truth leads to the understanding of divine Principle as revealed in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. In order to comply with our By-law respecting all testimonies we have been obliged to omit some of the statements descriptive of the illness. — Editor.]

At the time of her healing Eldress Anna White was in her seventy-seventh year, — a slight, fragile woman, of a nervous, energetic make-up, healthy but not strong, of a vigorous will, always brave and courageous, but with a sensitive shrinking from physical pain. For two or three years she had apparently been "running down." The mental and spiritual as well as the temporal burdens incident to her position as head of a Shaker family and leader in the Shaker Order had been increased by the ferment of unreconciled and troublesome characters who had gained admittance to the home, and by the ill-health and enforced absence for some months of one of the chief burden-bearers of the family.

During the winter of 1904-5 she had a severe illness. The same season the work of publishing her book, "Shakerism, Its Meaning and Message," went on, and every bit of the proof of its four hundred and seventeen pages was twice read by her with painstaking care. In the summer of 1905 the Peace Conference of Mount Lebanon engaged her attention, and she made an address at the meeting. In November she visited Washington, D. C, and had an interview with President Roosevelt in the interest of the peace resolutions passed at the convention the previous August. On her return Eldress Anna caught a slight cold, which proved rather obstinate and left a troublesome cough behind. Through the summer of 1906 she was extremely delicate in health, but her will-power drove her to work. Her habit of claiming health instead of yielding to disease kept her lips closed respecting her condition, and the loving protests and pleadings of her family and friends were of no avail to call a halt or secure proper precautions against the breakdown that was believed to be inevitable.

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