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From the December 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

On Oct. 22, 1907, Francis J. Fluno, M.D., C.S.D., member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship, lectured at The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Dr. Fluno spoke in part as follows:—

Christian Science is the Science of being, and necessarily includes all there is of being. It is an education in itself; an education that is infinite, unlimited, and inexhaustible; that takes not only months, but years, ages, yes, eternity itself, to know, understand, and comprehend. It takes time even to begin to comprehend, or begin the study, as it were, of such a subject; for since Christian Science is the Science of being, it necessarily is the reverse of sense testimony, i.e., it is the converse of the senses, and is therefore just the opposite of most people's line of thought or way of thinking; and it must of necessity take time to turn from thinking one way to thinking just the opposite way.

If you were going to take up the study of mathematics you would not want a text-book that did not teach mathematics; you would want the science of numbers itself, if you could get it, and nothing short of it. Or, if you wished to study music, you would not apply to a teacher who taught by ear, but one who would teach from principle, and hence would teach it correctly. Likewise, to begin the study of Christian Science you will need its textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and also the other works by this author and the publications of The Christian Science Publishing Society in Boston, Mass. These books and publications, together with the Bible, are the only ones that Christian Scientists recognize as authority on the subject, or as teaching Christian Science at all. The text-book of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," is a library in itself; it educates, enlightens, and refines all who come in contact with it.

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