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From the December 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A facsimile in this article was later republished in The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany: My. 272:18-274:15

[The following article by Mrs. Eddy, mention of which was made in the Christian Science Sentinel of Nov. 2, appeared in the Cosmopolitan for November with the accompanying editorial note.—Editor Journal.]

Editor's Note.—The Cosmopolitan presents this month to its readers a facsimile of an article sent to us by Mrs. Eddy, with the corrections on the manuscript reproduced in her own handwriting. Not only Mrs. Eddy's own devoted followers, but the public generally, will be interested in this communication from the extraordinary woman who, nearly eighty-seven years of age, plays so great a part in the world and leads with such conspicuous success her very great following.

Our readers will understand that in reproducing the two pages of Mrs. Eddy's typewritten manuscript it was necessary to reduce the size of each page to suit the dimensions of the magazine. This entailed reduction in the size of Mrs. Eddy's writing, her interlineations and signature.

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