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Testimonies of Healing

That God's law is a law of perfection has been wonderfully...

From the December 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

That God's law is a law of perfection has been wonderfully proven to me since I became interested in Christian Science, some fourteen months ago. I came into Science because I wanted a God. When my interest was awakened to the wonders of Christian Science it was not long before I realized the beauty of this divine truth, that God is Love. After reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, and studying the Lesson-Sermon daily for four months, I was able, without other treatment, to lay aside glasses which I had worn constantly for eighteen years; the simple reading of this truth had completely healed me of a trouble which oculists and opticians had pronounced incurable, and they had doomed me to wear glasses always. Since laying aside my glasses, many months ago, I have had no occasion to use them again, as my sight is normal, and headaches which before I understood Science always manifested themselves if I took off my glasses for a moment, have been unknown to me. I would like to add that the tobacco habit, to which I had been a slave for over twenty-three years, was completely destroyed in less than a week. A surgical bandage which I had been compelled to wear for over thirty years was found unnecessary after I had been in Science six months — the truth had set me free.

Daily, through this wonderful revelation of divine Love, I am able to meet and banish the discords which manifest themselves, and for this I am most sincerely thankful. Not only am I able to help myself, but from the understanding of the allness of God gained through the teachings of our Leader, I have been permitted to be the humble instrument of God's mercy and love whereby many of my friends have also been healed of divers diseases.

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