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Testimonies of Healing

Some months ago my husband was stricken with very...

From the December 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Some months ago my husband was stricken with very acute pain in the left eye. He had been suffering at intervals, however, for several months, and decided to go to a specialist at once for treatment. He became totally blind in his left eye and suffered all of the time the greatest agony. The specialist and physicians continued treatment for ten days. They then decided that the conditions were most serious and that they must await developments, as they could do no more. All of this time he was kept under morphine. He continued to lose strength and was confined to his bed. I then took him to Jacksonville, Fla., and another very eminent eye and nose specialist was called in. This specialist made an examination, and after waiting a week for some development of the disease, he decided that the sight of the left eye was totally gone and that of the other eye very much affected.

As we had nothing more to hope for in that direction we decided to appeal to Christian Science, and I called in a local practitioner to treat the case. When she came she found my husband suffering great pain and very despondent He had not been able to sleep, as the morphine had lost its effect, but after treatment she left him in a deep sleep He awoke very much refreshed and without pain. Treatment was continued for two weeks and he improved every day His appetite returned and all was well except that the blindness of the left eye continued. At the expiration of the second week's treatment my husband retired to bed as usual, and on waking next morning, about sunrise, he saw a bright light caused by the sun shining against a tin roof almost a block away. His sight had been restored, after three physicians and three eye specialists had failed to help him. Let God be praised!

Words are inadequate to express our gratitude and thankfulness for what Christian Science has done for us, and to God for His goodness and mercy. God bless Mrs. Eddy for the truth which has helped us through the darkest day we have ever experienced. Here let me say that of all the beautiful characters I have ever met, the grandest, I think, is that of the patient, unselfish practitioner of Christian Science, who day by day is teaching mankind that God is Love.

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