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From the May 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science is distinctively a religion of doing, not saying. It is attracting attention throughout the civilized world because it is healing sickness according to gospel methods, something which others have for centuries failed to do. There are millions of people today who admit that Christian Science heals the sick, even though they do not understand how the healing takes place. There are countless thousands who know positively of the healing of so-called incurable maladies and who are honest enough to give Christian Science credit for the work done. They are not inclined to remark that "it would have been so anyway," or that the medicine taken before certain patients applied to Christian Science for help accounts in any way for their recovery.

All such ungracious comment savors of prejudice and ignorance, and may be considered as one of the proofs that this healing is of God, for it confounds the carnal or mortal mind. This opposition to the Christ healing which is again taught and practised in Christian Science is explained by Mrs. Eddy, who says that the thought of "material nothingness," as it is set forth in the teachings of Christian Science, "is the main cause of the carnal mind's antagonism" (Science and Health, p. 345). The reason for this uncovering of error is explained on page 346, where we read: "Material beliefs must be expelled to make room for spiritual understanding."

Because "the carnal mind is enmity against God," it must necessarily antagonize the idea of Christian healing. God's ways are not in accord with mortal theories and opinions. It is proving a very embarrassing situation for many who pose as leaders in spiritual thought to pass judgment upon this healing. They admit the cures performed by Christian Science, but instead of investigating the method involved from a rational and common-sense standpoint, they unfortunately appeal to the human intellect for an explanation of these cures. The results are anything but gratifying, coming as they do from those of whom so much in the way of honest truth-seeking is expected in the religious world. While many seekers may temporarily be misled by the sophistry of human reasoning, the day-star of Christian Science is shining resplendent above the horizon of human limitations, and in due time it will lead every honest seeker into the true way where God will be understood to be the healer of every known disease and sin.

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