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Testimonies of Healing

I consider it a privilege to send...

From the May 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I consider it a privilege to send my testimony, and thus to bear witness to what Christian Science has done for me. In 1910 I was taken ill, and after suffering intensely, a consultation was held and my trouble pronounced a malignant growth of large proportions, for which I was under the care of four physicians and was kept under powerful opiates all the time. This growth was said to be in the bowels, making it impossible for me to take any solid food. I could not bear any weight over me, and could not be moved from one position to another for weeks at a time. After the skill of these four physicians had been exhausted and I was too ill for an operation, the death sentence was passed. It was then that my family decided to call my sister, a Christian Science practitioner in Detroit, whose testimony appears above, and she responded at once.

I received a few treatments without any seeming results, then she declared the truth to me audibly, and when she had finished she informed me that she would be obliged to return to her home that day. I immediately arose from my bed, perfectly well! I said, "I am going home with you," and began to make preparations for the journey. I rode five miles in a carriage to the station, where we took the train, reaching Detroit seven hours later. I ate a hearty supper, and slept well all night, not being disturbed by the change. I have been in perfect health ever since, and am able to do all kinds of hard work, such as devolves upon a farmer's wife.

I am deeply thankful to God for the Christ-healing, and grateful to Mrs. Eddy, who has given us this wonderful blessing, the spiritual understanding of Jesus' teachings. I hope this may benefit others who are in need of help, as I once was.—

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