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Testimonies of Healing

In 1893 Christian Science was...

From the May 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In 1893 Christian Science was brought to my notice. I had been a great sufferer for two years from nervous exhaustion and sleeplessness, and had been attended by physicians of both schools, who gave me the best of their skill. The last physician said in a very kindly way that he could do nothing more for me, that my nerves were gone and there was nothing to build upon. He added that the only thing left for me to try was opiates, and as I refused to do that, he gave up my case.

I was very much discouraged, for I had great confidence in his skill and scarcely knew how to get along without his assistance. Then a friend in my neighborhood learned of the situation, and told me she knew of a remedy which would cure me. I asked her if she had brought it with her, and she replied that she had and that it was Christian Science. As she said this, I was much surprised and disappointed, and all I could say was, "Is that all?" When she said, "It is everything," it seemed very vague, and I wanted nothing to do with it; but after waiting a while, my friend came back and asked me at least to try the treatment. In my desperation, and with a desire to please her, I called a practitioner. My healing was slow, but for this I became very thankful.

Nineteen years have passed since I first learned of this healing truth, and during that time I have been able to help others also to find relief through its practise. I had worn glasses for sixteen years, but after being in Christian Science for some years I decided to consult an oculist, as the glasses did not give satisfaction. He tested my eyes and said he had nothing to give me, as my eyesight was perfect. I was very much surprised to hear this, and on returning home I picked up a book and found I could read without glasses. Many times the thought had come to me, How can that piece of glass improve my eyesight, when man's sight is spiritual? I have not used glasses for six years, and this is one more blessing added to the many which have come to me through Mrs. Eddy's teachings and for which I am indeed most grateful.

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