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Testimonies of Healing

The testimonies of the healing...

From the May 1915 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The testimonies of the healing power of Truth have been so helpful to me that I desire to tell others of my thankfulness to God for the wonderful healing which came to me through Christian Science. Twelve years ago I barely recovered from an acute attack of illness which left a chronic stomach trouble that doctors were unable to relieve. Several years later there also developed paralysis of the intestines and a general prolapsed condition. This state continued for eight years, and during that period I had fifteen doctors of both schools, among them the best in New York city, where most of my time was spent, in order to be near the physicians. An operation for appendicitis brought no benefit; while electricity gave relief, but did not cure me. Sanitariums were resorted to, and everything known was tried during years that were never free from suffering. I was able to walk but a short distance and lived on a very strict diet.

I knew from the beginning that doctors considered my condition incurable, but still I hoped that courage and patience would eventually win health. There were several acute attacks which the doctors could not diagnose. These lasted days, sometimes weeks, and during the time I was constantly nauseated and unable to take nourishment, besides suffering intensely. Twice I was unable to walk for a year. After an attack in 1911, three specialists did their utmost for me. I shall always feel grateful for their kindly efforts in my behalf; but after the six months which followed, I realized that there was nothing more to be done and lost all confidence in medicine. I was then being carried about, or using a wheel-chair when necessary. In 1912 another attack brought me to the limit of human endurance. The doctors said the entire digestive tract was diseased. Toxic poisoning also caused a painful skin eruption.

After six weeks of starvation, my mother was told that I could not last many more days. She then asked my permission to try Christian Science. Friends had recommended it as a last resort, although they knew little more of it than we did. I realized it could do no harm, and that my mother wished to feel everything had been tried; so I gave my consent, although sure it could not help me. In a few hours a faithful practitioner was at my bedside. When I expressed my willingness to give Christian Science a fair trial, I shall never forget the confidence expressed in the reply, "You mean you wish to be well." A gleam of hope came to me at that moment. During the treatment I felt a distinct physical change taking place, and this satisfied me that I had found the help I so greatly needed. I began to take food without suffering and sat up the third day. I walked a little the next day and gained rapidly with each succeeding treatment. The tenth day I visited the practitioner's office, which involved some little walking.

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