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[Written for the Journal]


From the May 1915 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Dost thou through matter hope to gain
The bliss that only Love can give?
O friend, thy labor is in vain:
Awaken thou, and learn to live!

The broad expanse of Love's blue skies
Awaits each upward soaring heart:
O'er mist of worldly purpose rise,
From error's dark illusions part!

For Truth thy lasting strength shall be,
Thy joy and hope, thy fountain pure;
And all that erring sense doth see
Give place to all that shall endure.

Truth gives no scanty recompense
To yield the false, accept the true:
None would e'er cling to dreams of sense
If e'en a glimpse of Truth he knew.

Not what thine eyes e'er may behold—
'Tis what thy heart doth comprehend;
Truth lifts the veil of ages old,
And shows the blessings Love doth send!

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