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Testimonies of Healing

About four years ago the scales...

From the May 1915 issue of The Christian Science Journal

ABOUT four years ago the scales fell from my eyes through the healing power of Christian Science; but I find it is impossible for me to relate with words or pen what this glorious revelation means to me. However, I want to give praise and thanks for my redemption. As one "redeemed of the Lord" I desire to "say so," as nearly as I can with pen.

I was born in the orthodox Jewish faith and am a descendant of the devoutest Talmudical rabbis of Russia. My "manner of life" being strictly Judaic, I was taught only the Old Testament and the ritualism, which I fervently loved, revered, and obeyed. My own aspirations and hopes, as well as those of my lineage, were wholly rabbinical,—and this can be fully understood only by those of orthodox Jewish faith,—but circumstances presented no opportunity in this direction. I was born in the United States, and when the time came for me to go abroad with my dear mother, as I had hoped, to live the life and follow the studies of a rabbi, financial difficulties and the loss of dear ones were experienced, so that instead of a rabbinical career a musical profession was selected for me. This study I rapidly absorbed, and was able to use the art as a means of livelihood, and threw into it all my native zeal.

I was a regular attendant at the orthodox synagogue, but when I reached the age of twenty years my health broke down completely, and the doctors ordered me to Arizona. For ten years I struggled there with the bodily fetters of disease and mental agonies, drifting from one ailment to another, until I made a trip back East to visit my kinsfolk, and then I was perfectly healed in Christian Science of all my diseases, as we are promised in the one hundred and third psalm. After one treatment I was freed from chronic gastritis, lung trouble, a bowel difficulty, and a general nervous condition, including sleeplessness of ten years' standing which materia medica claimed to be incurable.

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