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From the May 1915 issue of The Christian Science Journal

AT the present time, as well as in days long past, men have grown impatient at what seem the needlessly long delays in the establishment of righteousness in the world. In meeting this thought Peter says, "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." The slackness is rather due to the unwillingness of mortals to see the divine purpose or to obey the divine will.

Viewed from a scientific standpoint, "watchful waiting" is commendable at all times, because it is sure to lead into "green pastures" of peace and good will, "beside the still waters" of virtue and contentment. It is the attitude of the true Christian, and affords time for prayer and fasting. Self-will decides hastily, rushes precipitately into the maelstrom of human passions and desires, and when too late regrets its fruitless course. There is a deal of truth in the familiar adage, "Haste makes waste," and the student of Christian Science has a keen appreciation of this fact. Once having learned the right way, and to say "Not my will, but thine, be done," if through haste human will is allowed to express itself, he may always stand a silent witness to the devastation of wasted energies. Wiser for the experience, he presses forward, resolved to be more watchful in the future.

Watchfulness and waiting always go together. It is only when one neglects to watch that he fails to wait for that "still small voice" which says, "This is the way, walk ye in it." Human wisdom often runs in contrary channels to the divine, and thus leads into trouble instead of out of it. It may sometimes assume the appearance of being watchful, but only on a material plane. Watching one's neighbor is usually meddlesomeness. To mind one's own business is to express the true watchfulness.

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