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Testimonies of Healing

I desire to give my testimony in...

From the May 1915 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I desire to give my testimony in gratitude for the good I have received in Christian Science. About four years ago I was in a hopeless condition, discouraged and tired of living, if I could not have better health. I finally told my daughter to write to my sister, and if she could help me, I would be very glad, for I did not see that the doctor was doing me any good. In due time we received a copy of Science and Health and my daughter read it to me. What I understood was good, and I commenced to improve slowly, for I was very weak, having been in bed eight months. Neither of us knew anything about the book, although my sister had studied it for a number of years.

After I was able to get up, my sister came to Ottumwa to attend a lecture, and from there to my home. She told me I must get the Christian Science book and study it every day with the Bible. I thus got along finely until the next winter, when I had another nervous breakdown; but I obtained help from a practitioner through absent treatment, as well as from my dear sister, who was so kind and helpful to me. This was in 1911. I also passed through sorrow, and Christian Science strengthened and upheld me to outlive the trial and affliction. I can now rejoice in a risen Christ. I have found the truth, and intend to be true to it.

Christian Science has been a great blessing to me in my lonely hours, since my children have all married and left home; and I want to say I am extremely happy to hear that my two daughters are doing all they can in Dakota to help on the great cause. I cannot thank my heavenly Father enough for His goodness, His love and truth, and for the peace and harmony that is brightening our lives. I have learned to overcome many difficulties that have come up, such as pleurisy and burns, and I am no longer subject to colds, headache, nervousness, and other ills. I am very grateful to Mrs. Eddy for her earnest work in bringing salvation and the Christ-healing back to a lost world.

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