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From the May 1915 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THERE is a sentence on page 124 of Science and Health, the spiritual understanding of which will loosen many a burden of suffering for mankind, remove many a yoke of fear, and break in sunder many a band of mortal law. It is as follows: "Adhesion, cohesion, and attraction are properties of Mind. They belong to divine Principle." In Christian Science we learn that God is Mind, Spirit; hence, these forces are not material, but spiritual and divine. As we listen to this truth it leads us gently away from the old false belief that adhesion and attraction are properties of matter.

The carnal mind has been a liar from the beginning. It has claimed that evil, materiality, had the power to adhere to man in multitudinous forms, and that man is powerless to separate himself from it. It has even gone farther than this in convincing men that they were attracted by evil and desired to be identified with it. Listening to these lies and believing them, mortal man has become a hopeless slave to the ills of mortality, in many instances seeking no relief from them because he believes there is none. How often do we hear these words: Poor man, he inherited his taste for liquor, so he cannot help it —She will never get over her trouble, for it is hereditary—It is his nature to be violent tempered, for he has no control over himself; or, It is more natural for him to be bad than good, since he has a defective brain. Then there is the subtle suggestion that there is an attraction for man in that which is wrong, a lure that he cannot resist; yet if he yields to this suggestion, he must suffer for an act which he was powerless to resist! Thus carnal mind insists upon the lie that evil adheres to man, and that man is attracted by evil.

All this carnal information is "enmity against God," the Bible declares, for God gave man dominion over the whole earth. How clearly Mrs. Eddy discerned that "adhesion, cohesion, and attraction are properties of Mind." What a challenge to fling down to mortal mind! What a sure victory must follow such a challenge, for God's might and right are back of it!

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