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Testimonies of Healing

I have had a wonderful demonstration...

From the May 1915 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have had a wonderful demonstration in Christian Science, and it has proved to me beyond a doubt that God is All-in-all. For five years I had a nervous disease, according to materia medica, which manifested itself on my hands. For weeks at a time they would be covered with a distressing eruption. For two years I could not put them into water, and finally they became so bad that I wore bandages practically all the time. I went from one doctor to another, and at last to a specialist, who said he could do nothing for me. I asked if I should always be so afflicted, and he replied, "No, not after you are dead." I believed that there was no relief, and that I should always have to keep my hands bandaged.

One evening a friend who was interested in Christian Science took me to call on her mother-in-law, a practitioner, but first inquired if I would object to having the latter talk to me about Christian Science. I said that I should; but my friend was very persistent, and during the evening she asked the lady to tell me why I did not need to wear the bandages. The practitioner talked to me for a few moments, and during the conversation spoke of Christ's healing power. She also said that man was made in the image and likeness of God, and this being so, we should reflect only good.

When I went to my room that night, it occurred to me that the power of Christ was as great today as it was when he was here on earth. Why could not that power heal today as well as then? Thinking of this, I resolved not to put the bandages on, or apply the remedy which I had used every night for five years. The next day the practitioner loaned me a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and I read it all the spare time I had for the next two weeks. Then the condition entirely disappeared, and for four years I have had no occasion to wear a bandage or use any material remedy.

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