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Testimonies of Healing

I became interested in Christian Science...

From the May 1915 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I became interested in Christian Science through the healing of our child. In February, 1908, our little daughter had a severe illness which developed into acute lung trouble. There were two doctors in attendance, and I am sure that if materia medica could have cured her, the interest and kindness of our family physician would have made it possible. Finally, when a Christian Science practitioner was asked to treat her, she was very low, and my husband did not believe it possible that she could be healed. There was a marked improvement at once, however, and the doctors expressed great surprise at the change. The improvement continued without relapse until she was quite well, and today she is a robust girl.

This experience awakened me to my need of a higher life, and brought to my remembrance that I owe my own life to Christian Science. Two years previous to this time, while living in a neighboring town, I was ill with fever and blood-poisoning. The doctors in attendance said I was dying. My mother, who lived in Ottawa, was telegraphed for and told of my condition. About this time she had received some benefit from Christian Science, and before leaving to come to me she went to a practitioner and asked for treatment for me, with the result that there was an immediate change for the better, so that when my mother reached me a few hours later and whispered into my ear, "Remember, God is your life," I became conscious, and said, "Yes, God is my life." I did not then know that my mother had requested Christian Science treatment for me, but I did feel the change, and I knew that God had done it. The doctor said I was raised from my bed by the divine hand.

Since 1908 I have studied the Lesson-Sermons and attended the church services, and I am learning not to be "overcome of evil," but to "overcome evil with good," as Jesus commanded us.—

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