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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science was first offered...

From the May 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science was first offered to me twenty-eight years ago, but I gave no attention to it until 1902, when it found me in a most unhappy state of mind and in miserable health. From that time on I was helped constantly, and know I would not have lived through the many storms had it not been for this teaching. While the letter was understood, the spiritual understanding was slow in dawning on my consciousness. For some time, however, I have realized that no earthly joy can compare with that which comes from the spiritual understanding of the Bible and of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy.

I have had many demonstrations, but two of them stand out above all the others. In 1909 my only son, then seventeen years old, was healed of a severe attack of acute lung trouble in one treatment. When he left for the office in the morning he seemed to have a bad cold, and that night he came home with a well developed case of acute lung trouble. A practitioner was called, and when he came, about half past eleven, the boy was delirious and in great pain. Two hours later my son was sleeping quietly, and all alarming symptoms and fever had gone. This was on Friday, and on Monday he was in his place at the office, perfectly well. Is it any wonder our hearts overflow with gratitude and love toward our beloved Leader for her unselfish and patient labors, which enabled her to give us this precious truth?

The other healing occurred in January, 1915. I was filling an alcohol stove, and in some way the alcohol ran over my hand and arm; but I was not conscious of having spilled it until the match was lighted, when my hand and arm were one mass of flames. I managed to smother the flames, but began to suffer terribly. The assurances given in the ninety-first psalm came to me, and I repeated them over and over, until finally I was able to get to the telephone. Inside of ten minutes after I had spoken to the practitioner all pain had ceased; but my hand was badly swollen, so I put it out of sight and went on working. After another ten minutes or so had passed, the swelling had gone down, and the only mark left was on the fourth finger, where the flesh had been torn in pulling off my rings; but even that was healed over in a few hours and there is not a mark left. This experience brought home to me as never before that the instant application of the truth as taught by Mrs. Eddy does heal and save us. It also made me realize how we are protected by divine Love at all times.

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