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Testimonies of Healing

In the ten years that I have been...

From the May 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the ten years that I have been a student of Christian Science I have had many proofs of its healing and regenerating power. This study was not taken up for physical healing, but through reading Science and Health I was healed of inflamatory rheumatism, to which I had been subject for years. A badly sprained thumb was cured in one treatment, and a serious injury to the knee was overcome through my own understanding of the truth.

At first the fear was so great and the pain so intense it seemed as if I must ask a practitioner for treatment; then I realized that God is ever present, and by holding to the thought of His omnipotence and the unreality and powerlessness of evil, the knee went back into place. In less than half an hour all pain had vanished, though it was some time before the sense of stiffness had entirely disappeared. From the afternoon of the accident I was able to attend to my household duties and to go up and down stairs frequently. This experience has meant much to me, as it has proved the ever-presence of divine Love, and that all we need to do is to avail ourselves of it.

Our children have been healed of various so-called children's diseases very quickly and without the fear and anxiety there would have been in the old thought. An attack of measles was overcome in two or three treatments and a case of mumps was met instantaneously through my own understanding of the truth, the swelling going down very rapidly. My husband has been cured of hay-fever, from which he had suffered for twenty years.

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