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From the May 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN our text-book we read, "The Christlike understanding of scientific being and divine healing includes a perfect Principle and idea,—perfect God and perfect man,—as the basis of thought and demonstration" (Science and Health, p. 259); and it is through this understanding that all Christian Science healing is done. In order that scientific being and divine healing, of which the world is sorely in need, may be apprehended by the human consciousness and manifested to the world, it is necessary to understand in some degree "perfect God and perfect man" as "perfect Principle and idea;" and healing will be realized in proportion to the application of this knowledge to human problems.

It is evident that the source of man and the universe is God, who comprises all the power, all the knowledge, and all the existence there is; and because God is Principle, He must be unchangeable throughout infinity and eternity. Hence man and the universe have no existence of their own except as the expression of this perfect Principle. Jesus said, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." He acknowledged God, or divine Principle, as the only power, presence, and existence, to such a degree that he could give his human body to be crucified, knowing the perfect Father would not suffer His "Holy One to see corruption." Students of Christianity may well take the Master's proof of the perfection of God and man, and his example of the possibility of reaching this understanding, as their guardian and guide in lesser demonstrations.

Jesus taught the inseparableness of God and man as Principle and its reflection when he said, "I and my Father are one," and again, "My Father is greater than I." God is Principle and man is idea, and this idea is expressed in individuality. Reason explains the oneness and inseparableness of a river and its source, or a ray of light and the sun. As separation in these instances is seen to be impossible, so is the separation of Principle and idea impossible.

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