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From the May 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THROUGH the revelation of Christian Science, in which all true causation is seen to be spiritual, the student is enabled to trace with genuine joy every step of human progress back to its impelling source in divine Mind and its manifestation in man. The question here naturally arises, In what terms is human progress to be defined ; in terms material or in terms spiritual? On page 181 of Miscellany Mrs. Eddy says: "Progress is spiritual. Progress is the maturing conception of divine Love; it demonstrates the scientific, sinless life of man and mortal's painless departure from matter to spirit, not through death, but through the true idea of Life,—and Life not in matter but in Mind."

The most essential things, then, are the spiritual, and progress in religion should be sought from the most unselfish and exalted motives. Because of the self–confessed inability of the human mind to remedy that which it has itself occasioned, humanity is calling more insistently than ever before for the removal of discords through spiritual means, and the enlightened conscience, keenly aware of right and wrong, is demanding equal rights for all earth's children. Something outside of and above mortal man is acting upon his aroused consciousness. Looking high enough and long enough through the lens of Christian Science, one sees that this cry of the heart for equality has its inception in divine Principle, whose ever–presence is demanding obedience to the final spiritual law of universal Love.

When Mrs. Eddy discovered the Science of Spirit and the fact of a perfect spiritual universe here and now, governed in harmony through eternal law, she also saw the correlative fact of the equality of all God's children in their heavenly Father's care and affection; but a human modus whereby to demonstrate Christian Science was the stupendous problem confronting her. Turning to divine help, she pressed on step by step in the path revealed to her. She began by healing the sick and teaching and preaching the word of God as found in the Bible, in the light of the new revelation.

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