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[Written for the Journal]


From the May 1917 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Thou leadest me, O Love divine, I know,
Beside the stream whence living waters flow.
My anxious heart has heard thy "Peace, be still,"
And rests, content to wait and know Thy will.

Thy power alone has set the captive free;
I lift my heart, O Truth, in praise to Thee.
Thou art my life—why should I longer fear?
Thou art my guide, and Thou art ever near.

Thou knowest the way my faltering steps to lead;
Thou art all good, supplying every need.
Thou art my all, my joy, my strength, my health;
In Thee I have all wisdom, power, and wealth.

Life, Truth, and Love, the one eternal Mind,
O Father, all I need in Thee I find.
Thou leadest me, O Love divine, I know,
Beside the stream whence living waters flow.

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