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Testimonies of Healing

Many years ago Christian Science...

From the May 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Many years ago Christian Science saved me from a life of chronic invalidism and a lingering death. For eighteen years I was up and about every day, living a most active life. Then I met with an accident; and this time Christian Science saved me from a sudden and violent death.

I was knocked down by a huge motor lorry weighing many tons, the wheels of which passed over one side of my body, face, and head, inflicting severe fractures of the skull, shoulder blade, ribs, and one elbow, and disfiguring my face. A sister who was present stated that had she been asked to identify me at the hospital she could not have done it from my face, as there was not a single feature recognizable.

The next thing I knew was hearing a voice say distinctly, clearly, and with great finality, "She's dead." Immediately I found myself mentally declaring most emphatically: "I am not dead. God is my Life. I live, move, and have my being in divine Mind, and I cannot die." After a while I heard the remark, "She's dreadfully hurt;" and again I found myself replying: "I am not hurt. A spiritual idea could not be hurt; how could it?" Then again I heard a voice declare, "She's most frightfully injured;" and once again I responded: "I am not injured. A thought of God could not be injured; how could it?" That was all I heard, and it struck me afterwards how wonderful it was that I should hear just what was necessary for me to correct. Not another sound reached my consciousness, and never at any time did there seem anything discordant or distressing about the whole experience.

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