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Testimonies of Healing

My heart is full of gratitude to...

From the May 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My heart is full of gratitude to God, and to our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, for having found Christian Science, the "pearl of great price." Much has occurred since I took up the study of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, over two years ago. Among my healings has come freedom from a frontal sinus trouble of sixteen years' standing, which was supposed to be poisoning my whole system. I had had two operations, neither of which was successful.

Some time ago I was taken with violent pains in my back. An old difficulty came up in full force. At first my fear was great because of the intensity of the pain. I asked help from a Christian Science practitioner, and was lovingly assured that I should be all right. She reminded me of the words in our textbook, page 231, lines 3-11. Very soon I gratefully realized that the error had come up only to be destroyed by Truth, and in a few days the whole trouble subsided. I have also been released from the habit of smoking (which I was told to take up for the prevention of colds). This I had thought to cure by self-will, but the one who was helping me told me that in proportion to my desire to grow Spiritward all false appetites would drop away from me. This, too, I proved within a short time.

I am a doctor's widow, and was a surgical nurse for many years. My four children have taken up the study of the textbook, and as a result of the great change in me my youngest son attends the Christian Science Sunday School; and all are gaining many blessings along the way.

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