CHRIST JESUS demonstrated eternal life. In the joy of unlimited spiritual love he stood at one with God, and overcame every claim of evil, disease, and death that presented itself to him. In his resurrection he proved that no power apart from God, Life, had dominion over him; and his ascension showed how Love finally lifted him above every limitation of human experience.
In order to demonstrate eternal life we must know what it is. It is not the material sense of existence which is measured in time, but is something entirely different. The material earth has in belief probably existed for millions of years, and possibly will continue for millions of years to come, but it is not eternal. The physical body, which physiologists tell us is being constantly renewed and is eventually destroyed, is not man. As we recognize individual man as an idea in Mind, essential to the complete manifestation of God, divine Principle, we see that man is an immortal actuality now. The existence which is eternal and immortal belongs to man, and can never be changed.
Mathematical facts, when understood, uncover and destroy mistakes, that the facts may appear. So, the more fully we understand and apply what is true, the better we dispose of anything untrue that hampers our progress. The more we study the facts about Life, God, in Christian Science, the better we can overcome their seeming opposites.