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(Ecclesiastes 3:15)

From the November 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Our God requireth it:
The voice divine that gave the stern command
To Egypt's king to "let my people go,"
Still rings above the tumult and the strife
Of mortal sense to set all people free
From error's thrall; to break the dream of days
That were; to lift the burden of past years,
And human history with all its trail
Of fears and woes and darkling memories,
And vain regrets or yearnings o'er lost hopes
All these must fade from thought and come to seem
As though they ne'er had even claimed to be,
For God requireth it.

And so the weight of yesterdays falls off,
The shadow of past errors fades from sight,
Stilled are the whisperings of discontent,
Restored the years that were the locust's spoil.
Now fetterless our mounting footsteps go,
New scenes, all fair and bright, lead on before,
New hopes impel the spirit's quickened pace,
And all the world seems kinder and more true.
With thought released, and vision cleared, we rise
To face the radiance of eternal noon:
Revivified at Love's own high behest.
His Israel! So joyous and so free—
Since God requireth it.

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