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From the November 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN a world oppressed with want, sickness, strife, and discord, it is wise to ask ourselves what we are individually expecting from life, from our business, our social contacts, and our relations with our fellow men. Are we expecting good or evil?

If we were to judge from the evidence of the material senses, we might be tempted to believe that evil, in the form of disease, lack, inharmony being the common lot of men, is, therefore, inevitable. But Christian Science is showing us that God, who is infinite good, never created a discordant universe, and that it is only the delusion of mortal mind which obscures the harmony of the real, spiritual creation. Christian Science reveals man and the universe as the good, harmonious, and complete reflection of God, divine Love, and shows that as we look to God and express the divine nature we can rightfully expect limitless good.

The Psalmist said, "My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him." That which one receives from God is wholly good; and as we understandingly persist in turning only to Him for our expectation, instead of to mortal mind with its fears and inharmonies, we find good being made manifest in our lives. All that is necessary for us to do is to turn from the contemplation of mortal mind and its discordant effects and understand God, the source of health, strength, love, joy, peace—and live accordingly—in order to find our expectation of good realized.

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