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From the November 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE indisputable fact that Christian Science heals all manner of evil and disease is being acknowledged by an ever-increasing multitude of people. It is equally true that this Science is efficacious in protecting its adherents from danger, discord, fear, sorrow, and kindred phases of inharmony, and in preventing the experience of sickness.

Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, writes in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 369), "The prophylactic and therapeutic (that is, the preventive and curative) arts belong emphatically to Christian Science, as would be readily seen, if psychology, or the Science of Spirit, God, was understood." It is now the priceless privilege of every individual to understand the truth about God —to know God aright—to prove "the Science of Spirit." Christian Science has made this privilege available to all mankind.

The theory that disease is a condition of matter, and is a natural, if not an inevitable, occurrence in human experience, and that disease is produced by something material in or on the body, has long been accepted by mortals as a fact. However, many of the enlightened members of the medical profession now openly declare that much of disease is directly traceable to discordant mental conditions, such as worry, hate, sorrow, and fear, entertained by the sufferer. The time approaches when a majority, if not all, of humankind will without hesitation, delay, or confusion clearly understand that diseases of all types are but the externalization of erroneous beliefs, and so are primarily mental. Therefore, it is quite apparent that only the action of divine Mind, Truth, Life, and Love can correct or forestall the errors of mortal mind and remove their physical consequences.

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