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From the November 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"BLESSED are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." These words spoken by the master Christian, Jesus of Nazareth, ringing through the centuries, are today assuring a fear-ridden world that it is possible to wake from the dream of materiality with its distress and strife to the happiness which is inseparable from spiritual-mindedness. Underlying Jesus' words is the fact that peace is not a vain hope, but practicable, here and now.

In the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mary Baker Eddy gives the definition of the word "children," in part, as follows (p. 582): "The spiritual thoughts and representatives of Life, Truth, and Love." Fundamentally, peacemakers are God's thoughts. All who are earnestly reflecting divine Truth are deserving of the name "peacemakers." In just the degree that one is awake to the fact that he reflects God, is he at peace.

In Christian Science mankind is shown how to think truly about any and every situation which presents itself. That is, through Christian Science we become aware of the facts of being: that God is All, perfect, the only cause, and that man and the universe are His creation, the expression of God's goodness. We learn that any suggestion of another power or presence, opposed to God, good, is unreal. Thus we see ourselves and all mankind as under the government of infinite Mind, God. In thus knowing the truth we are acknowledging God's omnipotence, and on this basis we learn the way of freedom from error, whatever form it may take.

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