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From the November 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

WE are told that Moses, when he kept the flock of Jethro, his father-in-law, during a time of testing and preparation, "led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God." In this incident can be seen a foreshadowing of the experience of many a one-who, in the midst of the monotony and weary treadmill of material routine, and seeking to do the will of God, faithfully keeps his thought and purpose along the way of the highest good he knows. Then comes the blessed moment when, having come "to the backside of the desert" of human hopes and fears, he finds himself no longer held in mental penury, for the spiritual truth of being has dawned in his consciousness, and he has come "to the mountain of God."

It is in this way that the truth of Christian Science is found by many, and that long years of human servitude are illumined with the glad assurance that right where one is, the will of God, Life, Truth, Love, unfolds the divine purpose, which no human disability or handicap of place or circumstance can impede. Can any student of Christian Science ever forget the moment when the angel of the Lord first appeared to him, and in the midst of the fiery trials of his human experience, spiritual ideas came to replace false beliefs and he began to rejoice in the pure vision that the truth about man is indestructible, and that man is ever one with God?

When we thus come to "the mountain of God" in Christian Science, it is very necessary to mark the admonition which was given to Moses, "Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground." We begin to put off the old way of thinking, the belief that man is material and liable to sin, sickness, and death, for we behold man as the perfect, spiritual image and likeness of God, the Holy One, the creator of all that really exists.

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