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From the October 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is sometimes asked by new members of a branch church, "Just how does one do metaphysical work for the church?" There is nothing mysterious about this work, for spiritually mental work for the church means prayer, pure and simple. It is the prayer of faith in and understanding of God, His allness and His love. But prayer also includes praise and thanksgiving, rendering unto God the gratitude and praise that are due Him. And in praising God for the protection and growth of the church, we should not overlook the privilege of thanking those who faithfully serve in this work. True praise and thanksgiving to God are among the holiest forms of prayer, acknowledging as they do the presence of divine good.

Each one approaches God in his own individual thinking. There can be no set rules governing our work for the church; but there are definite requisites. These requisites are: first, a great love for the Cause of Christian Science, a love born of sincere gratitude for the blessings it has brought; secondly, an unselfed desire to serve this great Cause; and thirdly, a willingness to make some sacrifice of time and effort to this end. Finally, there is the all-important requisite of daily regular devotion to earnest, consecrated prayer for the church and its activities. This prayer is founded on a clear realization of the government of divine Principle, accompanied by the denial or rejection of every aggressive suggestion that would claim to dethrone God's government.

In the Manual of The Mother Church, our revered Leader has clearly designated our duty along this line, in Article VIII, Section 6, "Alertness to Duty," which reads as follows: "It shall be the duty of every member of this Church to defend himself daily against aggressive mental suggestion, and not be made to forget nor to neglect his duty to God, to his Leader, and to mankind."

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