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From the October 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the present age, mankind is witnessing the culmination of many great achievements. Mammoth bridges of lengthy span stretch across waters unbridged before; towering skyscrapers rise hundreds of feet above street level; gigantic dams, arresting the flow of mighty rivers, impound in man-made lakes, larger than ever before constructed, vast quantities of water which will eventually help to make fertile millions of acres of hitherto unproductive land.

One thing is of great importance in successful construction, and that is an adequate foundation. Regardless of whether the contemplated structure is a skyscraper, a huge dam, a stately edifice, or a modest dwelling house, a suitable foundation is indispensable. This is true in material building, but how much more is it vitally necessary to have a solid and enduring foundation on which to base one's religion, one's present and future salvation, and the absolute assurance of immortality, eternal life.

Christ Jesus, the Founder of the Christian religion, healed the sick, reformed the sinner, raised the dead, and established his church on the unshakable foundation of the allness of God, infinite Spirit. Paul declared, "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." Every man, woman, and child can avail himself of this foundation, and thereupon erect his consciousness of Truth, outlasting the human sense of time. Christian Science is based on the eternal foundation revealed by the great Master. Mary Baker Eddy writes of this foundation in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" as follows (Science and Health, p. 138): "The supremacy of Spirit was the foundation on which Jesus built. His sublime summary points to the religion of Love." He declared that God is Spirit. Therefore, Spirit is not material, not limited. Spirit is omnipotent, omnipresent, immortal, unchanging, perfect. Spirit is omniscient Principle, the source or creator of all that exists in true being, the Giver of every good and perfect gift.

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