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From the October 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science teaches that God is not only our Father, but is also our Mother. Mrs. Eddy speaks of God as "the all-wise, all-knowing, all-loving Father-Mother," who "made man in His own image and likeness, and made them male and female as the Scriptures declare" (Message to The Mother Church for 1901, p. 7). And in the same paragraph she asks, "Does not our heavenly Parent—the divine Mind—include within this Mind the thoughts that express the different mentalities of man and woman, whereby we may consistently say, 'Our Father-Mother God'? And does not this heavenly Parent know and supply the differing needs of the individual mind even as the Scriptures declare He will?"

In the divine Mind there can be no sin, sickness, or death. Paul declared that man lives, moves, and has his being in God. Mind. To become conscious of the truth that man is God's own child and lives in divine Mind brings healing. By abiding in this spiritual consciousness, many Christian Scientists have experienced proofs of the healing of disease, of protection from danger, and of the overcoming of lack.

The tender love and protecting care of our loving Father-Mother were experienced by a Christian Science family at the time of a great flood and fire. It looked for a time as if their home might be destroyed, and some members of the family be carried away by the raging current of water. Through the realization of God's protecting care they were rescued. For about forty-eight hours they were marooned in the attic of an apartment house with many others, several of whom became ill, but were healed through Christian Science; and all were rescued.

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