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From the October 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Healing the sick and sinful, overcoming death for others, and finally for himself, Jesus demonstrated the truth of his words, "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." The knowledge which is "life eternal" must of necessity eliminate from human experience death's harbingers, sin, sickness, hate, age, and want. Thus Jesus taught in substance that to know God is to be aware of ever-present good.

Because of the misinterpretation rather than spiritual understanding of what the prophets and Christ Jesus and his apostles taught, Christendom has accepted a humanized concept of Deity. Mankind has attributed to Him limited power and ability, and both evil and good qualities. They have bowed down before their mentally "graven image" and worshiped their own mistaken, material concept of God. Magnifying the qualities of mortal mind multiplies wrong thinking and doing.

The man of God's creating is spiritual, the reflection of all that is good; while the material concept of man shows forth limitation and mortality. The untoward experiences of mortals are the outward manifestation of material beliefs to which they wittingly or unwittingly subscribe. Inharmonies, whether mental or physical, are the result of mistaken beliefs or misconceptions about true being. These false beliefs are rectified, and their effects nullified, by the individual acceptance of Christ, the divine idea of God; by the consciousness of good which heals and regenerates by replacing material beliefs with spiritual facts.

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