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From the October 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When Christ Jesus said, "Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God," he exposed the underlying cause of every human ill. Great, indeed, is the human need to know and understand real power, the power of God, of divine Mind, Life, Truth, and Love. For to know God and His omnipotence enables one to individualize the divine power, and thereby remove from human thought and experience that which is not good. Truly to understand God and His power enables one to banish mortal ills, as did the Master. Moreover, through spiritual enlightenment, evil and matter are proved to be powerless, sickness and sorrow are healed, peace and prosperity are seen to prevail, and the affections of men are enriched.

The cry of the hour is for more real power. While the materially minded are aggressively striving to gain unprecedented political and economic so-called power, the devoted Christian Scientist is working vigorously to gain a clearer understanding of the omnipotence of God, divine Principle, that he may be freed from the bonds of evil, and prove more abundantly God's power to heal the sick, feed the hungry, and bring peace to a troubled world. He ever holds to God, prayerfully seeking greater spiritual strength, that by this means he may prevail over the beliefs of disease and discord, want and woe, and successfully resist the alleged power of matter or the carnal mind. He is learning how to utilize spiritual power, how to handle and destroy animal magnetism, or error. He is learning to express God, to imitate the healing ministry of the Master, and to prove his dominion over the aggressive suggestions of erring mortal mind. He is learning the significance of that infallible truism sung by the Psalmist, "Power belongeth unto God."

A dictionary defines "power" as the "ability, whether physical, mental, or moral, to act." The word is also defined as a mental faculty, such as "thinking" or "reasoning."

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