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From the October 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science has given to the world precious, inspired definitions. If these definitions are learned, pondered, and put into practice, our lives will be greatly enriched in both a human and a divine sense. More than passive acceptance of Mrs. Eddy's teachings is required to prove their great value. They must be incorporated in our active thinking, and utilized in daily living.

Mrs. Eddy's definitions do exactly what good definitions should do: they determine the essential qualities of the thing defined; they interpret and explain it; they clarify it and make it definite. When our Leader selected words to explain or define her meaning, she chose those which, if intelligently studied, are incapable of being misunderstood.

In defining God in terms which denote the quality of Deity, she expressed what God is in His nature, essence, and substance. The term "God," considered apart from the illumination which Christian Science has given it, tells almost nothing of the characteristics of the Supreme Being, so that He probably differs little, in the minds of many, from an enlarged mortal. Mrs. Eddy's demonstrable definition of God (Science and Health, p. 465) is uplifting human consciousness to perceive that here and now one may grasp a concept of Him sufficiently ample to meet every human need. It reads: "God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love."

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