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From the October 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE Christian Scientist's deep desire is to contribute by his scientific prayers and Christian living to the great cause of world peace. He has learned through Christian Science that peace is already established, and that it is revealed to the individual as he awakens to the spiritual sense of being. His approach to the problem of helping to establish peace in the world differs from that of those who believe that life is in matter, for the student of this Science knows that matter and its inharmonies are but false impressions in a material sense of existence. Collective peace will come in the degree that individuals look away from the testimony of the corporeal senses, and are roused spiritually to discern Mind's peaceful universe of divine ideas. Spiritual views of creation dispel false, materialistic views, and eternal peace, man's divine inheritance, comes to light.

The scientific peacemaker's first duty is to establish peace right in his own heart. He must transform his own consciousness by replacing each error with realization of the truth. Even the good in human experience must be refined through diviner conceptions. Spiritual reality is universal in its action and influence. The truths we see and put into practice bless all mankind.

Christ Jesus taught that the kingdom of God is within us. In Mind's pure realm, where peace is maintained eternally, all God's ideas dwell together in one harmonious whole. All live for one glorious purpose, to express divine Principle, Love. Though this kingdom is hidden from the so-called material senses, to spiritual sense it is an ever-present, unchangeable fact.

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