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From the October 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THROUGHOUT all history men have tenaciously contended for the attainment of power. This struggle has gained in intensity, until today it is assuming unprecedented proportions. Nations are at this period equipping themselves as never before in order to gain or retain political and economic supremacy. In doing so, many individuals have come to accept unquestioningly the erroneous theory that "might makes right," and one of the consequences of this acquiescence is that the liberty, rights, and equality of free peoples are being abrogated.

Some nations, fortunately, enjoy a great measure of freedom of thought, speech, and action. These cannot feel complacently assured of the continuance of these blessings, however, unless the eternal vigilance which has been said to be the price of liberty is vigorously exercised. How best to establish this vigilance in these days of men's aggressive strivings for mastery, should engage the earnest attention of every individual who values the priceless gift of liberty.

The chaotic condition of economic and political affairs during recent years has led thoughtful individuals to the careful consideration of this question of power. Many are seriously asking themselves, "What is genuine power, whence its source, and how may it be acquired and intelligently utilized for the benefit of humanity?" The greatest Teacher, Metaphysician, and economist of all time, Christ Jesus, answered these questions completely and satisfactorily when he said, "The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise." This declaration not only revealed the true source of power, but also maintained man's divine right to its expression by spiritual reflection.

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