Thy closet door must now be closed
If thou wouldst pray aright—
If thou wouldst offer sacrifice
Well pleasing in God's sight.
Let not false, human yearnings dare
Prompt thee to pray amiss;
Ye ask in vain, O selfish one—
Ye know not joy nor bliss!
With true desire for holiness.
With courage, meek though strong,
Come, lift your voice in praise to Him;
Come, join the angels' song!
With thought prepared for righteousness,
With confidence and grace,
Acknowledge universal Love
As filling time and space.
Ah! Then with joy ye oft shall draw,
From wells both deep and pure,
Waters of Life, refreshment find,
And peace that shall endure.
Thy closet door must now be closed,
If thou wouldst gain Love's ear;
For God is Love, and all is well—
Love casteth out all fear!