In my experience as a student of Christian Science there have been many beautiful demonstrations of the omnipotence and omnipresence of God. Rheumatism in the hip, which had caused many nights of suffering, was healed in a short time by the help of a dear friend, who has lovingly helped me in times of need.
One who is not a student of Christian Science asked for treatment. The ligaments in his back had been strained, and he had experienced much pain and discomfort for about forty years. He was healed, and the condition has never returned.
One Easter Monday, I was suffering from nausea and headache. The thought came to me that this was another opportunity to prove the availability of the healing power of Christian Science. I immediately prayed that I might realize that this is God's kingdom here and now, that I might know that Mind is omnipresent, and that God is All-in-all.