I can no longer delay to express publicly my deep appreciation of and gratitude for Christian Science. It has healed me of many things, among them grief over my mother's passing on, financial difficulties, and the fear of lack. Christian Science has given me a harmonious home, companionship, and contentedness where restlessness used to be. It has freed me from habits of gossip and criticism, and has corrected and healed many physical ailments, one of which was a broken right arm. I used the arm from the second day, and on the fourteenth day I washed woodwork with no discomfort.
I have been a witness to many other wonderful healings through Christian Science treatment, and I am sincerely grateful for the spiritualization of thought which they have brought about. I am very grateful, also, for the steadfastness of our dear Leader, Mary Baker Eddy; for membership in The Mother Church and in a branch church; for class instruction from one of Mrs. Eddy's students; and for the happy privilege of working for the Cause which offers salvation to the whole world.— Los Angeles, California.