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From the June 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We read in the first chapter of Genesis that "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." This creation of God's, then, contains no element of error or evil; it contains nothing unlike Himself, but throughout partakes of the nature of the creative Principle, God. Since God is infinite, there can be no other creation, even as there can be no other creative power. This creation is the expression or reflection of divine, all-knowing Mind, and all that Mind knows or sees constitutes this creation. This eternal, radiant, joyous expression of infinite divine consciousness is man, the beautiful reflection of God.

Yet how pitifully has mortal mind, or error, attempted to belittle this creation of God, and offered to human consciousness the suggestion that man exists apart from God, Spirit, and that he lives in matter, controlled by material laws, and subject to material limitations. Mortal mind has, in belief, outlined a complete program for material so-called existence, whereby mortals are conceived in sin, are subject to prenatal, adverse influences, born into matter, and pass through various stages of growth and development till they reach the grave, with a highly problematical future beyond it.

How deluded human consciousness has been, for there is not one iota of truth in the whole fable! How could this unhappy history, this futile sense of existence, apply to God's beloved creation, the glorious unfoldment of His goodness and wisdom? The sum total of material existence, with all its fears, worries, lack, sin, and sickness, is a complete delusion from beginning to end, a mesmeric belief in an existence apart from God. Man has never been material. He has always been, and is now, the sweet, lovable, spiritual image of God, the man whom God knows and joyfully beholds.

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