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From the November 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: and by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches." The home which is built through wisdom must be primarily a mental structure, the foundation of which is laid in the spiritual understanding of God. The Psalmist declared, "Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it."

Christian Science reveals to the student the true concept of home and teaches him how to clarify his thinking, and so enables him to build the home which he has often feared would never be his. It teaches him to change the basis of his thinking from matter to Spirit, to recognize perfect being as omnipresent and all-inclusive, and to know that every right idea is his and ever available as his understanding of infinitude unfolds. Therefore the student must understand that home is a divine idea, included in his own consciousness, and he must claim it and acknowledge it as such, in order that it may be outwardly expressed. He learns that the real home includes affection, order, beauty, joy, peace, abundance, security, rest, permanence. It is supported, sustained, by divine Love. Because it is of divine origin, it is perfect, complete, drawing its substance and completeness from Mind. It is God's gift to His son. Therefore the real man, the idea of divine Mind, can never be separated from his spiritual home.

Some years ago a student who had tried for some time to change his home awakened to know that whether or not there was any outward change, he possessed the true concept of home in his own thinking, and that it was untouched by any claim of mortal mind. Before this potent recognition of the truth, complications, lack, limitations that claimed presence and power, faded away, and in a very short time, and with little effort, he was established in a home that has continued to be a blessing.

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