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From the November 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"A Danger besets thy path?—a spiritual behest, in reversion, awaits you." So writes our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, in her Message to The Mother Church for 1902 (p. 19), and these words have been proved true in the experience of many Christian Scientists as well as Biblical characters. For Christian Science teaches that God, divine Love, is supreme in every circumstance and condition. He is the one creator, forever omnipotent, omnipresent, omniactive, and omniscient.

Though the Red Sea seemed an insurmountable barrier to the children of Israel who were fleeing from relentless Egyptians, yet God's spiritual behest to them was, "Go forward"! And they moved onward; the sea divided, and they were led through on dry ground, the waters forming a wall on their right hand and on their left. So today, when we find ourselves in a difficult and apparently dangerous place, if we too will listen for God's command and obey it, refusing to fear any obstruction or any adversary, we shall be delivered and guided, protected and cared for, by God's mighty love, which ever enfolds His children.

One may be struggling with disease or pain, tormented by suggestions of doubt and fear, but as he trusts God with his problem he will be enabled to face the error courageously, knowing that his loving Father eternally supports him. Thus he will cling to the scientific facts which he has learned in Christian Science through a study of the Bible and the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. He will learn that God being the only creator, sickness and suffering are without cause or existence, for this perfect cause can produce only perfect, harmonious effects. God's child knows no fear, because fear could not emanate from Love. Laws of matter are unreal and powerless, and cannot control man. who is God's idea. Hence laws of material origin, development, duration, degree, or other circumstances, cannot operate to govern or control or perpetuate fraudulent claims of disease or suffering.

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