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From the November 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A word came from the Lord: "What doest thou here,
Elijah? Rise and eat, lest thou shouldst find
The task too great, the journeying too far."
He rose, casting away discouragement
That almost seemed despair. He ate the food
God-given, drank from the refreshing cup;
And strength was his to go where he was sent
To do his Father's will. With listening ear,
After the earthquake and the wind had ceased,
He heard, in peace, the still, small voice of Truth.

Unto each one today the message comes.
"What doest thou here?" And should we pause in fear,
Or hesitate to follow where Love leads?
Let us go forth. Are we not sons of God,
Strong in His power, protected, guided, fed?
We are not lost, alone in wilderness
Where light burns dim, where doubt would tempt retreat.
Nay, we are one with Him, His strength our own,
His wisdom ours. So, when the message comes,
"Go forth upon the mount," we may reply,
Eager, rejoicing: "Father, here am I,
Thy child, whose heritage is all of good.
Let me but serve Thee and I am content
To do Thy will, O Father-Mother God."

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