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From the November 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science has a message for the weary ones of earth who have echoed from hearts filled with the pangs of disappointment the lament of Job, "My days are past, my purposes are broken off, even the thoughts of my heart." Bestowed of God and maintained of God, this message comes to the listening ear to bless and heal mankind. It awakens in mortals that divine afflatus which expands and widens until the real man appears.

We read on page 39 of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, that book which has, through its spiritual interpretation of the Scriptures, consoled and healed multitudes since its publication in 1875: "Now is the time for so-called material pains and material pleasures to pass away, for both are unreal, because impossible in Science. To break this earthly spell, mortals must get the true idea and divine Principle of all that really exists and governs the universe harmoniously."

The message of Christian Science is one both of hope and of instruction. In its hope it repeats the call of Christ Jesus, ''Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Come unto the Christ, Truth, and learn that now is the time for the overcoming of all that would seek to disrupt man's natural state of harmony and peace. Now is the time to master that which is directed against happiness and well-being; now is the time to reject false beliefs and rise higher.

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