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From the November 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Who has not felt the stimulating and fruitful effects of attacking individual and community tasks with quick decision and courage? And who has not experienced the blighting, demoralizing results of the negative, obstructive attitude, the unwillingness to blend one's efforts with others in the accomplishment of some common good? The latter tendency, due to a rapidly shrinking world, appears to be assuming the proportions of a major problem—for the individual, the nation, and the world.

Literally millions of people are beginning to sense the situation and are asking what can be done about it. Many who are coming to realize that individual and collective problems are essentially one are turning to Christian Science for the answer. This Science was discovered by Mary Baker Eddy in 1866, and it was her purpose, as stated in the Manual of The Mother Church (p. 17),"to organize a church designed to commemorate the word and works of our Master, which should reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing."

But Christian Science is much more than a system of healing physical sickness. It is the Science of being, the revelation of the eternal Principle of existence, embracing also the rules governing every phase of harmonious human experience. It deals comprehensively and specifically with such all inclusive subjects as God and man, cause and effect. Life, Truth, Love, Principle, Mind, Soul. Spirit. It does not discuss these subjects in a speculative way, but sets forth their practical import from the basis of demonstration rather than doctrine, and deals directly and compassionately with those bowed down with suffering, sorrow, fear, and discouragement.

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