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From the November 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

According to the first chapter of Genesis, man was made in the image and likeness of God, Spirit. The second chapter declares that "the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground." This second creation has been admitted to be a fallen man, needing to be transformed and made upright.

A savior for the earthly man was long looked for, and in accordance with prophecy there came the son of a virgin who perceived God to be the Father of man. This son, to whom Mary gave the name Jesus, was so endowed with inspiration that he knew his true selfhood to be the Christ, the Son of God. Acknowledging his oneness with the Father, divine Mind, gave him great power. His joyous life and wonderful healings led many to follow him. His followers found a like understanding as they continued in his word, and this knowledge that man is the son of God enabled them to do the works the Master taught them to do. The Saviour proved for himself and the world that the real man is forever at one with the Father, Spirit. As he overcame the grave and, in the ascension, put off the false material concept, the world lost sight of him. Then again humanity was in need of a savior. The Christ, Truth, was finally revealed to the world in the inspired thought of Mary Baker Eddy, who perceived man to be the idea of the Father-Mother God. and she named her revelation Christian Science. Mrs. Eddy perceived the motherhood and fatherhood of the only creator, God, and the true relationship of divine Parent and divine offspring. Through her understanding of this Science of Mind-healing. she healed the sick and comforted the sorrowing in the way taught by Christ Jesus. Her teachings make clear that the Christ, Truth, never came or went, but is ever present, available to all who need a savior. Because the human race was in need of salvation, Mrs. Eddy set forth her discovery in her textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," showing the rules whereby mankind can demonstrate the saving Principle revealed to her.

Divine Science does not agree with scholastic theology that man is mortal and is to be made good enough to enter a far-off heaven. This Science deals with the human or mortal concept of man as a misstatement of the true or real man, made in the likeness of God, divine Mind.

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