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From the November 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The story told of the words and works of the Bible characters, including the profound teachings and demonstrations of Christ Jesus, and the record of the related activities of Mary Baker Eddy, the beloved Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, present the most inspiring and enlightening of all narratives. Actually to find and prove the unchangeable presence and power of God, infinite good, available to men under any and all circumstances, as recorded in the Scriptures and now revealed and practiced through Christian Science, brings cause for great rejoicing.

The Christian Scientist is sincerely desirous of telling the story, and of sharing with his fellow man the new found spiritual light that alone dispels all darkness of false physical sense testimony. Unselfish love for his neighbor induces the desire to impart to others one's understanding of the truth and his cherished demonstrations of God's law.

This is especially true of one who, through Christian Science, has been healed; who has felt the refreshment of a transformed consciousness; who has seen the course of his business activities changed from impending chaos and doom to order and progress, and who has had the Bible opened to him anew in its spiritual import, leading him to a realization of the truth that Jesus said would make us free.

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